Any marketer hoping to make an impact in the B2B sector benefits from developing content suitable across multiple channels. This approach provides the means to target larger audiences with a marketing plan relevant to a myriad of platforms. As such, crafting a multichannel content marketing campaign facilitates reaching customers interested in your company’s products and services.
This blog provides a useful checklist detailing the various steps involved in creating and running a multichannel content campaign. We cover setting campaign objectives, determining a target audience, creating content calendars, performance tracking, and so much more. You also learn the importance of combining consistent messaging with compelling visual branding.
Read further to explore an essential roadmap to crafting and executing a successful multichannel content marketing campaign. From strategic storytelling to captivating visuals and cross-platform integration, we cover key elements for building a content marketing strategy and elevating your brand’s presence. The insights within ultimately ensure maximum impact and audience engagement for your campaign.
Define Campaign Objectives
A good first step in any multichannel marketing campaign involves determining its ultimate objectives. Do you want to build a customer base for a brand-new product or service? Perhaps you want to publicize an existing software product receiving a feature-laden update?
Whatever the reason for the campaign, setting a few achievable targets informs the rest of the entire process. This includes determining the target audience and appropriate content types for delivering a consistent message. This will help you set clear goals for each piece of content you create and metrics for analyzing campaign effectiveness.
Analyze the Target Audience
The target audience for your product or service plays a crucial role when creating a multichannel content marketing campaign. It especially matters when considering the types of content to craft: blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts. Those formats also influence what platforms make sense for posting and advertising the actual content.
Take special care to deeply research the target audience and their preferences for both content and platforms. For example, if your user base trends older, they might prefer blog posts compared to videos or podcasts. Understanding these preferences remains critical.
Focus on Channels That Fit Your Audience and Goals
Once the campaign objectives are defined and the target audience analyzed, now determine what channels deserve special attention. The demographics of your customer base definitely matter when it comes to content type and the channels you target. Additionally, the goals of your campaign might require a wider focus, especially if you want to attract new customers.
Consistent Messaging Fosters Brand Integrity
During any omnichannel content marketing campaign, maintaining consistent messaging becomes critical. Before creating any content, leverage a brainstorming session to craft outlines for each content type. This approach ensures the overall messaging stays the same for blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc. as they are created.
Adopting this approach to cross-platform consistency helps your campaign maintain brand integrity wherever the content is shared. A YouTube video, a Spotify podcast, and a blog post on your website all provide B2B customers with similar messaging. The campaign enjoys the amplified reach of multiple platforms without diluting or confusing the underlying message.
The Importance of Compelling Visual Identity to Multichannel Marketing Campaigns
Simply stated, peppering any multichannel content marketing campaign with an attractive visual identity boosts its overall effectiveness. Additionally, this is another factor where consistency matters when it comes to your business brand. Ensure all videos, blog posts, and other content leverage the same logo, font style, and related visual branding.
A marketers survey from the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) found 78% plan on creating video content in 2023. Infographics are also seeing wider use, considering their ability to present complex data in an attractive manner. All content from any B2B marketing campaign, no matter the specific type, benefits from strong visuals. Expect to better amplify your product or service as a result.
Create a Content Calendar
The content calendar remains one of the most important aspects of any omnichannel content marketing campaign. In addition to providing a useful schedule, it also makes it easier to measure the campaign’s overall efficacy. Ensure everyone on the team has access to the calendar, including content creators and those managing the campaign. It ensures the entire effort proceeds in an efficient and effective manner.
Performance Tracking and Analysis Remain Critical
Finally, measuring the performance of any multichannel marketing campaign helps determine its overall effectiveness. Part of this effort involves identifying the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) for the campaign. In most cases, the number of conversions and quality of leads rank at the top of most marketers’ preferred KPIs.
Also consider metrics related to the specific channel. These include website traffic or user engagement data from YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
If you need help creating an effective multichannel marketing campaign, reach out to the experts at Monomyth Marketing. We regularly create compelling content for B2B marketing companies in a variety of formats. Check out our new eBook – Implementing a Multichannel Content Strategy for B2B Organizations – for additional details on what we covered in this blog.