Perfecting the art of writing for the tech industry is no easy feat. However, in recent times, fueled by the pandemic-induced online movement, the content requirement has shot up dramatically. This supply-demand imbalance has done some severe damage, including a ton of published content that is nothing more than Software 101.
As an industry expert, you want the content published under your brand’s name to reaffirm your authority. Some marketers prioritize writing skills over technical expertise, claiming their audience to be beginners in the topic.
But even a skilled writer cannot dive deep into a niche topic without knowing the ins and outs themselves. Today, the online content marketing space is overcrowded with basic, repetitive, surface-level content that offers nothing new to the readers.
Stand Out From The Clutter
By hiring a writer with a strong technical background, you’re able to create content that’s written for your target audience and true professionals. As soon as readers find your content quality to rise above the average, you become their go-to source.
81% of B2B marketers say good content marketing helped them build credibility in the past year. What’s more impressive, 83% attribute their organization’s success to the value their content provides.
A fail-proof strategy is to think about your content from the perspective of the audience who reads it. Does the majority of your readership come from the IT sector? Make sure your B2B writer can authoritatively speak to them through your content.
Simply put, if your readers are well versed in the latest technological developments, your writer should be too.
Overcome What Others Struggle With
A recent Semrush study concluded that updating blog posts can increase traffic by 106%. A skilled B2B writer can:
- Pull stats from the latest studies to give your readers updated information,
- Define your brand’s voice from a position of authority,
- Create content that ranks higher on search engines, and
- Fill in the current content marketing gaps to rise above competitors.
The writer’s experience can be educational or experiential, but it’s the easiest way to know how fit they are for the role. A degree in a related field, prior experience, testimonials, and by-lined pieces on reputed websites all portray their exposure to business practices and norms.
69% of B2B marketers who outsource feel that their top challenge is finding partners with adequate topic expertise. So, the easiest way to invite traffic from competitors is to find a skilled writer and train them on your methodologies. The audience is always looking for more, and your supply should be in sync with the demand.
Show Them What You Expect
Many brands don’t bother with a proper onboarding process, and it costs them dearly in the long run. A writer, no matter how skilled, cannot know what you expect the final draft to look like if they have no context. B2B tech writing works best if you provide them all the resources and training they need to understand your brand’s voice at the very start.
If a writer is well versed in the latest technologies, they will find it a lot easier to write about yours. Once you know they’re the perfect fit for the role, provide all resources they need to learn about your working processes. This includes their experience with competitors in the field, which you can then use to your advantage as well.
Good content is thorough, and readers love blogs between 1500-2000 words the most. Ensuring that the main message of your brand doesn’t get lost in the shuffle becomes key here.
Clarify all the details beforehand so you both know what you expect from the content that gets published under your brand.
Communicate What Your Readers Like
Knowing the buyer personas is absolutely crucial. Knowing what your readers want and filling in the gaps is a hard feat. Only a writer who is technically skilled enough to have that perspective can create suitable content. Once you learn what is missing and communicate it to them, the writer’s role is to get on that level and speak directly to the audience.
The writer’s skill set here becomes non-negotiable. Your brand’s USP should be clear for all, and the most efficient way to do that is through thought-leadership pieces that are updated, hard-hitting and rich with information.
To Sum It Up
Content that relates to your audience and ranks well on search engines is rare. The definition of good content keeps getting updated, and the only way to stay on top of the game is to invest in content marketing that is both engaging and technically accurate.a writer who knows how to get the job done.
If your brand writes to CEOs, your writer should know what all CEOs are talking about this week. The competition in content marketing online is fierce, but there are definite ways to boost your conversion rates and multiply the returns if you invest in the right B2B tech writer.